02 October 2011

Good and Food (okay) Riddance

No Other Friends
Walkathon from Zobel to Cash! Was with the MGs. Heidi, Criselle, Rachelle, Joanna and Miera. I finally ate Jollibee! Not that I really don't eat there, it's just that.. I'd choose Mcdo over it. So went around before the movie started. We got a discount! Woohoo! Saw Jopax at the grocery.

I give this 3 stars out of 5.
- 1 because the story is so usual, there were no twists or whatsoever
- 1 because I felt that it lacked scenes, I wanted more. Haha
- 1 because other appearances were not that important, or they should've lessened the casting if they were just gonna focus on about, 4-5 characters.
+ 1 because the exchange of bitchy lines were totally, awesome.

Some favoritos
I arrived at the office very early, at around (shit I don't remember and btw I just retweeted this, "Dear Self, you have the worst memory gap ever.") Did some usual call-outs, interview, job-posting and interview assessments until heaven arrived! Yes, Mika gave her Snickers and some Crunch to us. Two of my most favorite chocolates until another heaven arrived! Ms. Gen (my supervisor, who is also an alumni of CSB and is a friend of my boyfriend) gave out some pastillas and banana cake (again, my most favorite among other pastillas and banana cakes are from Red Ribbon) until another another heaven arrived! Tom (also from CSB) treated us for pizza! Yum yum yum, thick crust! (just recalling last Friday, we also had a treat from Glenn! Haha DQ) So much from these past and present interns, they make my tummy, euphoric! And I've been doing after 6 for 2 weeks now, I THINK I DON'T DESERVE THIS. Hahaha!

Since I'm done with Have a Little Faith (Albom), The Lucky One and True Believer... It's time to shift my reading gears around to something I think I won't finish since I'm busy (?) I'm off to the third chapter, then got lazy because of Coco Girl!

My most favorito
Tra la la, lala... Another meeting for Practicum. Ms. Camit just discussed reminders for our forms (on which I half-failed in complying since there was this rumor that she wanted it to be fastened, and the next thing I know she hated it) and GOT OUR CERTIFICATE! I don't know if this is to be proud of, but what I found out is that past students didn't receive any. Now I know, that's what you get from having different coordinators. Bwahaha! Well, at least we felt like we were receiving a diploma. We did some grouping after and all I remember was the critical plan of dancing Dougie in front of our bosses. Me, Bjie, Joanna, Miera, Criselle, Rachelle, Bok and Aaron ate in Bon Chon Taft. Yes finally, it's already open! Since it's so delicious, the line is always......rawr.

Of course, our usual Saturdates! :) we went to Rob again, strolled and looked for the 'right' gadgets. Well, my boyfriend is very techie. Ask him anything about Apple, Android, RIM bla bla. So I guess, Leona Lewis was right about bleeding love. Hahaha. I think he's trying to lure me in using Android since we talked about buying 9360s (well in case the price is fair) I really don't like Android! He's more indecisive than I am. He's still in the process. Give him until the 29th to decide, but I have more time to think about 4s or 9360, or Bold Touch 9930. Those are my final choices. Hahaha. Then we decided to watch Friends With Benefits but we decided to chill instead. Ate dinner at Chowking (we've been craving it since last week, but we didn't get to eat Yang Chow, but izzfoiiine, we ordered Lauriat instead)

So much for my tummy!
P. S. I'm back with after 6! Hehe.

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