01 October 2013

Nice, Spice, Baby!

It is year of the Water Snake and I have researched the advantages of having babies born in this year. As per the web:

  • Good with finances, possible business in the future will be successful
  • Has appeal and people will be easily attracted to them
  • Sociable and easy to be with
  • They hate failing
  • Smart and understanding
  • Good in MATH and Science (not mathturbation okay)
  • Possible future professions: scientist, astronaut, professor, researcher, analyst

I can come up to the conclusion that babies are exploding this year. It's like a hormonal shower. I know 6 people who gave and 2 will be giving birth this year. What made me more excited is their stories. Symptoms of pregnancy, how you take a pregnancy test, what is the process during the first trimester, what you should and should not eat. Ironically, I am hearing this from friends and not from my own mother. That cut was good anyway since it would be awkward. Kidding aside, I have been watching videos in YouTube, search for, "Baby Center". They have all the information from the first few months and until after birth. What was more interesting is that they also have information what happens inside the stomach of the mother. I also learned terms such as epidural and amniotic fluid. Also watching it will make you reflect if you are ready to have a child. Check them out!

Things I learned:
  • Take the pregnancy test thrice (if all results are still negative or fluctuating, better have yourself go to a clinic or hospital for check-up
  • Symptoms depend on the body system. Some experience dizziness and vomiting while others don't. Some crave for specific types of food or meal while others don't. There have been cases of the people that I know knew they were pregnant by their 5th month.
  • Iron and Folic Acid are the most important meds during your first trimester
  • Babies are developing their whole body figure during the second trimester (you can also feel them kicking during this semester)
  • Sound, eyes, and neurons get developed by the third trimester
  • By the 8th and 9th month, you should be walking so that the baby would already have their position ready. 
  • You will also be taking lab tests (just like pre-employment tests hahaha) to assure if you are healthy enough to give birth
  • Have applications ready in your phone on what things to bring when you get to the hospital. I have a friend of mine who downloaded "Enfa Mama A+" application. There are also other available applications if you find Enfa Mama too Pinoy. Hahaha!
  • It's better if blood comes out of you first than the water from the water bag of your baby.
  • By 3cm measurement of your vageygey, you can rush to the hospital because with it, you will already be having contractions.
  • You will be going through different rooms. Examination Room, Operating Room, Delivery Room, (depends on the hospital) if you will be delivering your baby in a public hospital, ONE ROOM ONLY. Lol
  • Epidural is vageygey down so you will feel some pain in your stomach because of nurses pushing your stomach.
  • You will not be feeling the stitching of your vageygey. You will feel it hours after. (for normal deliveries)
  • Do not eat eggplant during pregnancy (it has something to do with beans)
  • Drink lots of water so both of you will not get dehydrated (especially in our weather lately)
  • Eat lots of soup (for your breastfeeding)
  • Do not eat a lot if you are weeks away from your delivery so you won't have a hard time giving birth.

This is Dra. Angelica, thank you for reading. Lol

Last Sunday afternoon with Aaron and Sofie, we visited Heidi in Makati Medical Center and how cute her Baby Isaiah Gabriel; 19 inches looks like 3 months old! He was born on 5:32pm on the 27th of September. Well, we were expecting him to come out on the 2nd of October yet I guess he couldn't wait any longer. Heidi was 2 weeks ahead of her due date. She gave birth in 12 minutes with such weight and height of her baby! Crazy! Couldn't believe how awesome for a first time mom! :)

Visited Baby Ethan yesterday with my mom and younger brother :) he was born during the wee hours on the 28th of September. Imagine, Ethan is 8.4lbs! Whew. Ate Myra was one week delayed of her due date.

What is with these newborns that they don't look like newborns?

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